The MERCURY MPD™ package includes all necessary components to manage the surface backpressure in MPD operations. The package consists of a TITAN series RCD unit and choke manifold building; the nitrogen backpressure unit and RMD are optional, enabling Beyond to provide tailor-made solutions for customers’ wells. The compact 9’ manifold building (winterized in Canada) contains a single choke manifold, pressure relief valve, and pressure control system.
Tier 1 – Rotating Control Device only
Package overview:
Beyond provides multiple distinct Rotating Control Device (RCD) solutions for onshore and shallow offshore drilling activity. Our RCDs include best-in-class bearing assemblies and sealing elements, most of which are interchangeable among Beyond’s RCDs, with a few exceptions. Beyond offers two unique RCD series: TITAN and ATLAS.

The TITAN series is available in two body types with different pressure ratings and is primarily used for onshore wells.

The ATLAS series can be used to drill onshore and shallow offshore wells.
Beyond’s patented hydraulic clamp (ORION) is an optional feature that enables customers to remotely release the bearing assembly from the RCD without human intervention, increasing drilling efficiency and safety for the crew.
Titan/Atlas RCD (Rotating Control Device)
- Initial component for MPD Readiness
- Seals around the drill string
- Redirects annular flow
- Allows for a closed-loop flow system
- Time-saving for MPD callouts
- Compact design for faster rig up
- Additional safety barrier during drilling/cementing operations
- Flow diverter ensures all returns go down the rig flow line
Tier 2 – Returns Management Drilling
Package overview:
Beyond’s Returns Management Drilling (RMD) system utilizes an RCD, integrated gas buster, flow meter, and flarestack to help manage gas returns to minimize non-productive time (NPT). The integrated gas buster and flarestack are self-erecting, and no picker truck or crane is needed for rig up.

RMD (Returns Management Drilling)
- Surface gas management
- Flow diversion
- Separate gas and flare while drilling
- Post trip, circulation of bottoms-up gas and flare on the fly (minimizing NPT)
- Manages nuance gas and associated downtime
Package overview:
Beyond’s MERCURY MPD™ package is a low-cost system requiring a single truckload to mobilize operations and does not require MPD personnel on-site.

Mercury MPD (Single Choke)
- Entry-level managed pressure system
- Trap and hold pressure on the wellbore
- Minimal footprint on-site and efficient Integration into the rig
- Available in a container and open skid deployment
- Uses the same automated software as our NITRO MPD™ system
- Run with fewer personnel on-site
- Fastest in the industry for rig up/down time
- PRV equipped to protect the wellbore and equipment
Tier 4 – NITRO MPD™
Package overview:
The NITRO MPD™ package is Beyond’s flagship MPD package that enables the drilling of complex, ultra-narrow window wells. The NITRO MPD package includes all necessary components to optimally manage the surface backpressure in MPD operations and has the industry’s fastest rig up and rig down time.

The package consists of a TITAN series RCD unit, choke manifold building, and nitrogen backpressure unit; the RMD and patented skid Walking System are optional. The compact 20’ manifold building (winterized in Canada) contains a dual-choke manifold, pressure relief valve, automated backpressure control system, Coriolis flowmeter with flow bypass, and an integrated nitrogen backpressure control system.
Nitro MPD (Dual Choke)
- Full managed pressure system
- Hydraulic model enabled control
- Manipulate ECD downhole
- Tight window wells and flow drilling
- Early kick detection
- Dynamic FIT
- Fingerprint pore pressure
- Downhole loss detection
- Secondary choke backup
- Nitrogen backup in case of lost power
- Trip safer with automated pressure control
- PRV equipped to protect the wellbore
Other products
MPD Walking System
Run the most efficient MPD operation with Beyond MPD technology: Minimize the rig down and rig up time between wells on the same well pad using our MPD Skid Walking System.

For those operators looking to decrease moving times between wells on multi-well pads, Beyond offers a Walking System solution that allows “walking” the skid containing the MPD choke manifold building and the MPD separator, avoiding the need for crane or pickers as well as the need to rig up or rig down MPD lines while moving between wells.
Automated pressure backup system
Our nitrogen backpressure management system automatically maintains surface backpressure during static periods in case of pump or choke failure. The automated backpressure control system has been designed by actual users who have in-depth knowledge of MPD operations and was created to deliver rapid and accurate pressure control while providing flexibility to operate under a wide range of conditions.